Monday, December 23, 2013

Shiny Politoad

Chain fished poliwag... in that swamp area by Lumoise City... I'll look up where I got it later, lol.

Shiny Magmar

Caught in Kiloude City fire Friend Safari.

Shiny Linoone

Traded my shiny Clauncher for a shiny Zigzagoon with a friend of mine.

Shiny Pelipper

Got it from GTS as a shiny Wingull. Traded it for my Articuno. Hey, I've played all the games, so I have legendaries to spare :)

Shiny Chesnaught

Caught as a Shiny Quilladin in a grass Friend Safari in Kiloude City.

Shiny Ampharos

My first shiny caught in Pokemon X. Mareep horde encounter on Route 12. Looks great with a Mega Stone!


Hello, I'm PinkShinyAmpharos! I concider myself a pretty good shiny hunter in Pokemon X and Y since I've had sucess with most of the shiny hunting methods (except masuda egg breeding and pokeradar), so I'm here to show you the fruit of my efforts! I will concider any offers for my shinies, but only if your offered Pokemon are shiny too (they must be on your X or Y game). I have no idea about IVs and EVs so don't ask. When Pokebank comes out on December 27, 2013 I will have some extra non-shiny legendaries up that I will trade for any shiny. I'll also give you advice on how I caught my shinies if your are interested. If you have any questions or offers, send me a message or comment on my posts :) Thanks!